BRGN x Sustainability - Explore With Care

Constantly top of mind, sustainability is one of the core principles for us in BRGN, both in our products and the production.
We recommend you choose wisely this summer: Explore with care and make small, but valuable choices together with us, for a more sustainable future.
Being a brand that supports the slow-fashion movement can seem controversial. We understand. The fashion industry itself thrives on novelty and consumption - the opposite of what is required for sustainability and maintenance of the ecosystem. Fortunately, more and more brands are behind the fight to keep the environment healthy.
Starting the brand journey with BRGN, our entrepreneurs Karine and Ros-Mari, asked each other;
How can we provide our customers with a useful, beautiful and technical slow-fashion product, that can be trusted and applied on any occasion?
Living in the rainiest city in Norway, Bergen, their focus became clear. They wanted to supply the marked with technical and coats, accessories and shoes, in waterproof and breathable fabrics with high quality and endurance.
Overconsumption and the importance of endurance
Overconsumption is one of the main problems regarding negative environment impact. As a brand we want to combat overconsumption, producing items with high endurance that offers multi-purpose use and technical features. When buying a BRGN product from our shelves or in our web shop, we aim to ensure that you can enjoy your purchase for a long time.
We also recommend our customers to follow the five R’s:
To recycle, repair and gift the products that you no longer need. And most of all; to resist, by choosing to buy only the items you need. Not only for the moment, but for their ability to provide you with purpose in your day-to-day activities.
We know, that we are far from best. However, we constantly educate ourselves and take action to get our journey even more sustainable. Pushing the limits of what seems possible. Redirecting ourselves- and most of all, taking the opinions of our customers into consideration.
In the long run, hopefully more brands will start supporting slow fashion. We cannot wait to see what the future holds in hand for us – and who chooses to follow. Entrepreneurs are fighting to open the possibilities to make our production even more in line with our code of conduct and protection of the environment.
On our journey to make our BRGN products even more sustainable, we support businesses who provides their customers with more sustainable choices. By partnering up with them, we hope to start a domino effect of positive vibes in the market.
Partnering up with FJONG, was one of our actions to support those businesses. FJONG gives you with the ability to rent quality products before you decide to buy them. FJONG also offers a subscription service, which gives you the possibility of swapping your favorite products, season after season.
Pairing up with Repairable, was also one of our efforts as a brand, supporting the slow fashion movement. Repairable offers an easy-to-use service, whenever our customers’ needs to repair their products.
As we continue to grow, thriving towards getting even better at slow fashion, we need to keep our eyes open and minds clear, implementing the newest knowledge to the company. This does not only include choosing our partners wisely or updating our fabrics to more ECO-friendly options; it also includes educating our employees. Both in the areas which involves design and marketing, but also in the aspect of finance. Step, by step. With more and more positive and strategic impact.
As to this date, we are not best or biggest; but we are constantly on the move.
For the summer, when you are "on the go" yourself; we hope you do the same. Make those small, but valuable choices with us. Use your knowledge to choose good options when you are purchasing a new item and invest in quality items that brings you purpose for a long time.
Use a bag when you travel, to contribute to less plastic waste. Buy the technical multi-purpose jacket that is suitable for any occasion. Or the one pair of good quality shoes that can withstand every trip on your planned adventures for this summer.